Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sky Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Cloud Painting, "Autumn Skies" by Carol Schiff, 8x10x1.5" Oil

In this small oil painting, the rusty foliage and peachy clouds are the perfect foil to the blue sky.  It's always a happy day when a painting goes together easily as this one did.

purchase here
I painted with a palette knife, which is almost always fun, to achieve the texture and subtle color changes I was looking for.

In these hectic days before the holidays, it's always nice to stop, take a deep breath, and enjoy the world around you.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Abstract Landscape | Daily Painting | Small Oil Painting | Seeing Better Days by Carol Schiff | 6x8 Oil

This abstract landscape of an isolated structure in blazing sunlight is a memory of the days I lived in Louisiana and Texas.  Often we would find these abandoned structures awaiting a new life.

purchase here
115 + shipping
 But it could also be from the countryside of Arizona or even North Dakota, where the weather is very rugged.  Can you tell I moved a lot in my life?  Yes, I spent years and years following my Air Force husband from location to location.  We are so happy to have spread our roots in Florida and North Carolina.

I have to be in the mood to paint with a palette knife, but when I is really fun (and in my case messy).  Most of my favorite artwork (by me) has a least, some areas of knife work.  I really love the texture which I feel brings a whole new dimension to the piece.

Thanks so much for viewing my abstract landscape today.  I hope you will pin it!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Daily Painting, Landscape, "Field of Poppies",SOLD 6x8, oil

It's always a beautiful sight to come upon a field of poppies in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

I had to pull out my palette knife and lots of creamy oils for this little piece.  Some days I just want to push around a lot of paint.

What are you painting in your studio today?

Purchase here

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Abstract, Original Oil, Non-representational SOLD"Blue and Green" 6x8"

You know me.......I am off the beaten track again!  I did several abstract paintings last week and decided to show you one today.


This is a study of color interaction and composition.  Because I love texture in my paintings, I threw some of that in too.

I find abstract work to be very rewarding and relaxing.  The perfect activity to counteract burnout or other stresses of life.  It only works for me for a week or two.......then the desire for structure, the desire to produce a recognizable image, overwhelms me and I retreat to my still life and landscapes.  How do you deal with burnout?

Now that we are into serious Christmas shopping, I wanted to show you another of my little daily paintings that is on sale at half price this week.

You can find the link here.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mixed Media Abstract "Golden Marble" 4x12" SOLD

This is a fun technique  that Carol Nelson shared with us in her workshop last spring.  Carol, who is a "Golden Artist" as in Golden mediums and gels, is versed in techniques you and I have never thought about.  She is truely creative and a very charming and sharing person.

Purchase here

 Carol developed this technique when she looked at her palette one day and thought it was as interesting as the piece she was working on.  So....she figured out how to turn her palette into a piece of art!  This is the first technique she shared with us in her workshop and it turned out to be a fun project and a great ice breaker!

She probably wouldn't mind if I told you how to do it, but I don't want to let the cat out of her bag.  Only Carol can tell!  Here is a link to her blog.  I know you will enjoy it and if you search through enough of her posts, she probably tells her secrets.  If you get to go to one of her workshops, I guarantee you will have a fun filled and informative few days with her.

Please pin it!