In my humble opinion, there are two types of artists. There are the ones that choose a media, find a style, paint a small variety of subject matter, and get very, very expert in their genre. The other type is all over the board, changing media, changing subject matter, experimenting, experimenting, experimenting....that would be me.
I try to behave like a grown up, but I just can't seem to pull it off! My mind is buzzing....oils, landscapes, still life, abstract, collage, mixed media. How can I possibly get "good" at anything when I am doing everything?
Then I read an article about a sweet little old lady in our town. She was well into her 80's but didn't look it at all. An association that honors senior's requests asked what is the one thing she would like to do the most. Her reply......she wanted to be a Las Vegas showgirl! They couldn't pull that off, but they did send her on a crazy trip to Vegas.
Months later, they had a request from the Tattoo reality show, for a senior who would like to be on the show. Guess who they recommended? So this little lady, was flown to NYC, given celebrity status, and filmed getting a tatoo that covers half her back. In case you think that was her first way, she had 3 others and her husband had a few too. Most importantly, they are having the time of their life...and I think that is keeping them young! This lady remarked "Why do I have to disappear, just because I am over 80?"
Why indeed!
So, this morning, I am giving myself permission to paint or assemble anything I want. Life is short....enjoy the journey! (Still don't have a tat though)
Bon voyage!