Thursday, February 25, 2016

Small Seascape, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, "Churning", 6x8" Oil

This small seascape is a study for a much larger piece.  The only question in my mind is "How large?"

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I am very happy with the understated color which makes the brighter hues really pop.  I am not sure if it would be call an abstract or impressionistic.......what do you think?

What I do know, I really enjoyed painting it and want to try it again and go BIG!

Thanks for reading my blog today.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Daily Painting, Abstract Landscape, "Lighting the Heavens" by Carol Schiff, 12x24x.75" Oil

In this painting, my goal was to capture that magic moment when the sun just peeks through the horizon and night turns to day.

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For me, that is the best moment.......knowing I have a brand new day to enjoy.

I did my favorite palette knife technique (which I have labeled color weaving) on this.  I find it gives me a great way to blend from one color to another.


I hope your day is fabulous and if you have not seen a sunrise lately...set your alarm for tomorrow, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the show!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Abstract Landscape | Daily Painting | Small Oil Painting | Seeing Better Days by Carol Schiff | 6x8 Oil

This abstract landscape of an isolated structure in blazing sunlight is a memory of the days I lived in Louisiana and Texas.  Often we would find these abandoned structures awaiting a new life.

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 But it could also be from the countryside of Arizona or even North Dakota, where the weather is very rugged.  Can you tell I moved a lot in my life?  Yes, I spent years and years following my Air Force husband from location to location.  We are so happy to have spread our roots in Florida and North Carolina.

I have to be in the mood to paint with a palette knife, but when I is really fun (and in my case messy).  Most of my favorite artwork (by me) has a least, some areas of knife work.  I really love the texture which I feel brings a whole new dimension to the piece.

Thanks so much for viewing my abstract landscape today.  I hope you will pin it!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

You may have seen this before!

I apologize if you have seen this before.  I had a posting problem several weeks ago and two of my posts went out to some, but not all.  I decided to post them again.

Today, I wanted to post a few of my teapot lamps and something new.....dinner plate clocks.

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 This will never take the place of my art, but, it is a nice little break ......getting creative in another media.  I loved the leopard print teapot and I paired it up with a yellow and black plate that has a bumblebee on it.

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I always smile when I see this one with yellow and black polk a dots as well as black and white checks with yellow daisies.

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This clock is perfect for a country kitchen and it has a hanging attachment right on the back.
Tick tock, tick tock.

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And finally, this black and white beauty, for the more sophisticated kitchen nook.

Tomorrow.....back to the easel.  I hope you  enjoyed this little break from art.