Wednesday, June 22, 2016

ABSTRACTIONS!!, Abstract Paintings, Daily Paintings. daily painter

 Although I have been painting, I find myself at the awkward place where I have let myself run out of photographed pieces.  The weather has been rather gray which makes it hard to photograph the colors accurately.  So today, I am posting some abtract paintings.  Most of these are sold, but they may be available as prints on canvas, if desired.
 I have had the urge to try some more abstracts, but have really been trying to focus on impressionism, in the hopes of sharpening my skills.  My abstract desires, are like a "guilty pleasure" that I have been resisting.


 If I had doubts about my leanings toward cool is pretty obvious to me now.



 A favorite local landmark that has since been replaced with a high rise medical building.


 This one was all about texture.  I mixed sand into the paint which gave it a stucco type finish.




Another local landmark.

This painting had more views by far, than any other I ever posted.......but didn't sell for years!


My ode to the Keys.

Thanks for viewing my blog today.

Carol Schiff

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Abstract Landscape, Daily Painting, "Fire in the Sky" by Carol Schiff, 6x8" Oil

Whenever I feel the need to push my art, I turn to abstract.  This time,  I wanted some representation in the piece.
purchase here
125 + ahipping
 I started with an old reference photo and worked hard to bring movement and heat to the piece.



I really enjoyed working on this piece...I hope you enjoy it too!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Blue and Green Paintings, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting

The past few weeks have been full of days on the couch and doctor visits.   As a result, I have fallen behind on my daily art projects.

I thought this would be a perfect time to review a few on my favorites from over the years.

To help narrow it down, I selected paintings that feature blue and green hues.

All of these works are available, either as original or giclee print on canvas at my Etsy site,

Thank you so much for viewing my art today. 
 Hopefully, I will be posting new work in the next few days.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Dogwood Painting, Flower Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 6x8 Oil painting on panel

YES!  I am still painting flowers and lovin' it.  This one gave me lots of trouble, but in the end, I think I pulled it off.  It is not my usual painting, so I would love to hear your input.

I call this my semi impressionist, semi abstracted piece.  I painted with  oil and added lots of medium to make the colors translucent.  Of course, I added all my favorite hues, whether I saw them or not.


I decided to reuse a panel with a not so perfect painting on it, but instead of sanding it down, I allowed all the texture from the previous painting to show through.  I like this idea and have used it several times since.  This one was all about trial and error, but, in the made me feel good!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Teacup Lamps and Dinnerplate Clocks, unique lamps and clocks

As much as I love to paint, I also have a little side hobby I enjoy.  My son and daughter-in-law have joined me in a little side business, making lamps and wall clocks from vintage dinnerware.

Purchase here
 For me, the attraction is the thrill of the hunt.  I visit estate sales and vintage stores, looking for the perfect pieces of vintage dinnerware.

purchase here

My daughter in law assembles the pieces into beautiful lamps.  My son drills out the assembled pieces and adds brand new electrical components.

purchase here

Viola! a  fun and unique lamp.  The lamp travels back to my house for photography and storage until that special person purchases it.  Then I wrap it carefully in bubble wrap and stryofoam to ship to your home.

purchase here
 I find many of my teapots in North Carolina, during my visits there.  I had to have this leopard print teapot!

purchase here
and this cute little black and yellow polk a dot piece.

purchase here
 These are just a few of our lamps.  We also do commissioned lamps, using colors you request, or even your own special dinnerware.....maybe that special plate or cup from your grandmother.  Click here to see our full collection of lamps and clocks.

Wouldn't these be cute in a child's room?  They are made with commenorative plates.

Thank you for viewing my blog today.  Next post, we will be back to art....I promise!