Friday, June 30, 2017

Small Abstract Painting, Summer Colors, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 6x8 Original Abstract SOLD

We are in serious summer now!   I decided to post a little abstract that screams SUMMER!

 Some days I just want to work with texture and color.  It is a great release, when I find my neck and shoulders tight.

Some days I just want to remind myself that this is my hobby......don't get too serious about the results.....don't stress when you don't produce a masterpiece......just enjoy the process.

Carol Schiff

Friday, June 23, 2017

Abstract Landscape | Daily Painting | Small Oil Painting | Seeing Better Days by Carol Schiff | 6x8 Oil

This abstract landscape of an isolated structure in blazing sunlight is a memory of the days I lived in Louisiana and Texas.  Often we would find these abandoned structures awaiting a new life.

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 But it could also be from the countryside of Arizona or even North Dakota, where the weather is very rugged.  Can you tell I moved a lot in my life?  Yes, I spent years and years following my Air Force husband from location to location.  We are so happy to have spread our roots in Florida and North Carolina.

I have to be in the mood to paint with a palette knife, but when I is really fun (and in my case messy).  Most of my favorite artwork (by me) has a least, some areas of knife work.  I really love the texture which I feel brings a whole new dimension to the piece.

Thanks so much for viewing my abstract landscape today.  I hope you will pin it!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Expressionists Abstract Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, Cross Composition in Orange, Blue and Purple, 8x8x1.5 Original Oil

This contemporary abstract painting is on a heavily textured stretched canvas. 
I used a cross (one of my favorites) composition and split complementary colors of blue, purple and orange to achieve a nice glow. I painted with a knife to get even more texture and very subtle color changes. 
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 This contemporary abstract painting is on a heavily textured stretched canvas.
I used a cross  composition(one of my favorites)  and split complementary colors of blue, purple and orange to achieve a nice glow. I painted with a knife to get even more texture and very subtle color changes. 


I was always fairly mystified about the process of painting an abstract, but I am finding that it is much like any other artwork.  You must have a composition, a point of interest,  color interaction and contrast.

Thanks for viewing my blog today.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Abstract Seascape Oil Painting, Tropical Waters, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 11x14x1.5" SOLD

Continuing on my tropical journey to the Florida Keys.  Today's post is my impressions of the sea off the coast of southern Florida.

 It is hard to find more fun (in the studio), than to dig into a big pile of paint, with your knife, and just go to town.  Adding and subtracting values and hues........puts me in the zone every time.

As much as I love creating all this yummy texture, I can only do it for a few days, before I start to crave a little structure and strong composition.  Each day I work on this coral reef series, I get a little less abstract and and little more impressionist.

Join me on my journey.....

Thanks for visiting my blog today!

Carol Schiff