Thursday, November 23, 2017

Abstract Sea Painting, Palette Knife Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 8x16x.75" Oil, SOLD

We are happy to be back in Florida, and I wanted to mark the occasion with a new abstract.

I really enjoyed creating this art.  Sometimes it is nice to just get in the zone, no particular plan, and let the subconscious take over.

I love playing with paint and these represent some of my favorite colors.  I didn't plan to do a seascape, but it feels like one, especially of the tropical waters in the Caribbean Islands.

The last few months have been hectic for me.  This is just what I needed to calm me down.

Have a great day and thanks for reading my blog.

(yes, we are leaving the sea and headed for the mountains)

Carol Schiff

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

ABSTRACTIONS!!, Abstract Paintings, Daily Paintings. daily painter

 Although I have been painting, I find myself at the awkward place where I have let myself run out of photographed pieces.  The weather has been rather gray which makes it hard to photograph the colors accurately.  So today, I am posting some abtract paintings.  Most of these are sold, but they may be available as prints on canvas, if desired.
 I have had the urge to try some more abstracts, but have really been trying to focus on impressionism, in the hopes of sharpening my skills.  My abstract desires, are like a "guilty pleasure" that I have been resisting.


 If I had doubts about my leanings toward cool is pretty obvious to me now.



 A favorite local landmark that has since been replaced with a high rise medical building.


 This one was all about texture.  I mixed sand into the paint which gave it a stucco type finish.




Another local landmark.

This painting had more views by far, than any other I ever posted.......but didn't sell for years!


My ode to the Keys.

Thanks for viewing my blog today.

Carol Schiff

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Large Landscape Painting, Storm Painting, "StormFront" by Carol Schiff, 24x30x1.5" Original Oil Painting

In the tropics, the storms come in quickly and violently!  This large landscape painting attempts to convey the power and drama of these events.

purchase here
1295. + shipping

I painted with a palette knife and tried to keep all the strokes visible and strong. 

Some areas have extremely thick paint.

This was a study for a 48x60" piece that I painted.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Abstract Seascape Painting, Small Oil Painting, Tropical Ocean 8x8x1.5"

Fresh off a trip to the Florida Keys, I returned inspired by the gorgeous water colors. I started a new series I call "Coral Reef". This is the first piece of the series entitled "Wakes".
purchase here

 I was captivated with the colors of the sea as we rode out to the coral reef.

The boat wake followed us out seven miles from shore.

It was my first trip to the keys in many years, and a had forgotten the lure of the tropical beauty.

Thanks for viewing my blog today

Carol Schiff

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Seascape Painting, 12x12x1.5" Oil

I am still in a seascape frame of mind.

Purchase here
295.00 +shipping
This is worked with a palette knife.  I enjoy lots of texture, so I left it on this piece.  Maybe it is more of a skyscape?   Maybe it is more abstract or impressionistic?  Whatever it is, it reflects my mood at the time, whicch I think, is the point of painting.

Thanks for viewing my blog today.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Four Seasons Abstract Painting - Autumn, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 4x12x.75" Oil, SOLD

Today I am posting the 3rd of my abstract Four Seasons Series, Autumn.


 My goal was to represent each season, in an abstract form, using only color.  With this piece, I was thinking of pumpkins, falling leaves and shockingly blue skies.

Purchase here

Above is spring.

Purchase here 
And this is Summer.

I will be posting "Winter" soon.

I had fun with this series and hopefully, I "stretched" by abstract skills a little.

Thanks for reading my blog today.

Carol Schiff

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Seascape Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, "Pink Clouds" , 11x14x1.5" Oil

I live close to the sea, and it turns up quite often in my art. Nothing gets me up faster than a fabulous sunrise...grab a cup of coffee and head for the beach, camera in hand.

purchase here
250. + shipping
 Yes, I said grab my camera, not my paints.  I am a studio painter.  I quickly get overwhelmed with plein aire and have no desire to try it again.  Give me my air conditioning, plumbing and subject matter that doesn't change.

For years, I felt I was not a "real artist" and hid my shameful secret.  Actually, I have so much respect for artists that strap a 36x48" canvas on their back and then hike 7,000 feet to the top of a mountain to paint.  Such dedication, and yes, the light cannot be duplicated.  But, neither can those special effects you can capture with a camera.  

My choices are paint in a studio, or don't paint.....and I am happy with the choice I made.  To each his own!

Thanks for reading my rant today :)