Friday, October 26, 2018

Abstract Oil Painting, Daily Painting, Textured Art, "Rainy Day in Albany" 10x10x3" Contemporary Art SOLD

This painting was a happy accident!  Well, maybe not the painting, but the total effect.

I purchased some art supplies online and was very surprised (and maybe dismayed) to see that two sizes of canvases we actually 3" deep!  How did that happen?  I thought about returning them, but after calculating the return shipping, I realized that would not work.

 So what to do?  They seemed so in-your-face, not the right canvas for a delicate rose.
I decided abstract was the way to go.  I wanted lots of texture, but still need contract in the texture.

Yes, it can go on the wall.....but why?  I love it sitting on a shelf, pretending to be a sculpture.

And guess what!  A manufacturer loved it too, so it is licensed and may be appearing in a department store near you soon, pretending to be a pillow or maybe a duvet.

Thanks for reading my blog today.

Carol Schiff

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Abstract Seascape Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 11x14" Original Oil Painting

It is so hard to believe, that we have been living in the mountains of North Carolina for 9 months.  I marvel at the beautiful mountain scenes outside my door.  Asheville has sooo much to offer!

But there is something it cannot offer...the beach, the sea, the salt air.  

Maybe that is why I was moved to do this abstract.

Purchase here

I had fun playing with the direction of my knife strokes.  Still a minimalist painting, but with a little added interest.   Hmmmm, I see a mountain abstract in my future!

The perfect wall decor for a beach house, or for someone dreaming of a beach house.

We will be heading back to the beach soon, and I will have sand on my toes, once again.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Abstract Seascape Oil Painting, Tropical Waters, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 11x14x1.5" SOLD

Continuing on my tropical journey to the Florida Keys.  Today's post is my impressions of the sea off the coast of southern Florida.

 It is hard to find more fun (in the studio), than to dig into a big pile of paint, with your knife, and just go to town.  Adding and subtracting values and hues........puts me in the zone every time.

As much as I love creating all this yummy texture, I can only do it for a few days, before I start to crave a little structure and strong composition.  Each day I work on this coral reef series, I get a little less abstract and and little more impressionist.

Join me on my journey.....

Thanks for visiting my blog today!

Carol Schiff